Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Plagarism - 833 Words
Plagiarism Quiz This quiz has been taken from the University of Indiana website (What is Plagiarism at Indiana University? A Short Quiz and Concept Lesson by Ted Frick. If you have access to ICT you can do the quiz online, otherwise use the samples below to check your awareness of plagiarism. If you do use the online version, make some notes about the correct answers on the sheet to remind you later. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Task 1. Read the following text carefully: Technology has significantly transformed education at several major turning points in our history. In the broadest sense, the first technology was†¦show more content†¦Fresh water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, although the freezing point of salt water is lower. B On my way to my Monday physics class, I had a great insight that mass and energy were related to each other mathematically, E = mc2. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Use the following extract to put your knowledge to the test. Write an extract which paraphrases, but does not plagiarise. You may quote up to one sentence. |Original Text |Your work | |On 2nd February 1421, China dwarfed every nation on earth. On that Chinese | | |New Year’s Day, kings and envoys from the length and breadth of Asia, | | |Arabia, Africa and the Indian Ocean assembled amid the splendors of Beijing | | |to pay homage to Emperor Zhu Di, the Son of Heaven. A fleet of ships, | | |navigating the oceans with pinpoint accuracy, had brought the rulers and | | |their envoys to pay tribute to the EmperorShow MoreRelatedAvoiding Plagarism737 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Plagiarism: Plagiarism is basically described as the decision or acts by a writer to use the exact words from the reference and present them as his or her original thought. Plagiarism usually occurs when the writer has been asked to do a research on a certain topic. In this case, after the writer has identified the best or most suitable reference that suites the question, he or she writes the exact words that the author has used in the reference or source as his original reflection, suggestionRead MoreAvoiding Plagarism, An Introduction793 Words  | 3 PagesAvoiding Plagiarism Introduction Plagiarism is using information that is obtained from another source without giving credit to that source. This can mean using the exact words of another writer, or it can mean taking the ideas of another writer and putting them into your own words. This is known as paraphrasing. In both situations, students should make sure they indicate the name of the writer and the location of the article they found it in. If students do not include this information, it isRead MoreWhy I Thought Plagarism Was Wrong973 Words  | 4 Pagesessay on plagarism. On whether I thought plagarism was wrong. I had to use two sources that the insstructor had provided plus other ones I wanted regarding that topic and my perspective of why I thought it was wrong. The essay did not have to be extremely long. I started by looking on Google Advance Search for things that were related to plagarism and the different type they were. Looking at all the different types, I decided to simply write about academic plagarism and work related plagarism. NowRead MoreAll About Plagarism627 Words  | 2 PagesA lot of students plagiarize without even realizing it. Throughout my paper I am going to tell you why students plagiarize, how plagiarism is detected, what the consequences are, why it’s important for students to understand, and what constitutes plagiarism. By the time I get done with my paper you will know all you need to know about plagiarism. Before we get started I am going to give you a definition of plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideasRead MoreOutline and Research Paper on Cheating/Plagarism2981 Words  | 12 PagesDelgado i Take the Easy Way Now, Face Consequences Later Thesis Statement: Students and writers who have become more accustomed to cheating and plagiarizing forget the fact that what they are doing is unacceptable, are deteriorating their ability to do their own work, and must face severe punishments. I. Extensive amount of students cheating and plagiarizing A. Common cheating and plagiarizing B. Students not aware of wrongness C. Easier academic dishonesty II. Copying workRead MoreThe Aeneid and The Odyssey1324 Words  | 6 PagesAre there similarities between Homers The Odyssey and Virgils The Aeneid? There are many similarities that could be examined indepth. The lovers encountered in both plays can lead to the idea of ancient plagarism. The games held by the greeks and trojans are similar to the Olympic Games. The downfall of characters, cities or monsters can be seen often in many stories. Maybe rewriting history is the effort of a plagarist to cheat true historical events. The lovers Aeneas and Odysseus encounterRead MorePersonal Reflection1034 Words  | 5 Pagestaken care of first, such as going to work. Then yellow for necessary but not urgent items, such as, going on a walk and paying bills unless I am late, gray for optional items if time allows. Understand and apply the NCU Academic Integrity Policy Plagarism is not allowed in any form while working towards a doctorate degree. All NCU students have to be cognizant that improper Paraphrasing is not permitted either. At least one work in the semester is run through a software to check for plagiarism. IfRead MorePlagiarism Habits Of Politicians : Plagiarism876 Words  | 4 Pagesto deliver speech prepared by their assistant and discussed by their party members. A wise decision should be made while electing the political members because this corrupted leaders might not be the right person to be the leader of a country. 3. Plagarism is stealing others work and voters should evaluate this candidates who are prone to plagiarism in detail. Voters must think carefully before they cast vote to their candidate. The politician who plagiarizes others work might not be the right personRead MoreThe Theory Of Basic Income945 Words  | 4 Pagesoften tend to dismiss new political concepts such as basic income. Their views can often be seen as pessimistic as their views often have them believing that people searching for basic income are lazy and corrupt. (this part needs to be changed for plagarism) As stated by Fitzpatrick (1999), the conservatives in the radical right tend to dismiss the concept of basic income as disruptive to the the national economy. They put the economy before the people by dismissing all evidence with their pessimisticRead MoreBLAT Analysis On Biology1298 Words  | 6 PagesPerform the following BLAST analysis on your allocated sequence and answer the following questions based on the results. Plagarism will result in an automatic score of zero. 1. Identify the gene 5% Homo sapiens cytochrome P450 family 24 subfamily A member 1 (CYP24A1), transcript variant X3, mRNA 2. Show the results of your BLAST analysis obtained at both nucleotide (2%) and protein (2%) level and identify the types of mutation(s) present (6%). You should also highlight where the mutations occur
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
In my short life span of seventeen years there have been...
In my short life span of seventeen years there have been more global issues that have arisen than in the last 50 years all together. The world is becoming more technologically advanced and people are starting to ask questions and really focus on the problems not only occurring in present time, but also that may occur down the road. In today’s society people are becoming more interested in the world and are becoming more educated. Schools are now starting to form global issues classes and helping students become more involved and intellectual. I believe Honors College at Auburn University should focus on todays problems to help students become critical thinkers and help them to broaden their horizons and become more open minded to all†¦show more content†¦I want to be able to look at problems similar to that one, or even problems on a much smaller scale and be able to think of new and inventive ways to solve them. I also except Honors College to be able to explain to m e why these problems are occurring and how our world has come to this point. I would like to be able to know why the United States is in such debt and how it rose to seventeen trillion dollars in such a short time. I want to be able to know why, so I can think of possible solutions and ways to cut government spending. Our national debt is a huge issue for me because my generation is going to be the start of who is paying it back. In America, debt is one of the biggest problems our government is facing right now, but it also is effecting other countries just as severely. I believe that we must learn why these problems are occurring to be able to fully comprehend the situation and to be able to have any chance of fixing it. So many problems are starting to surface and there are new threats everyday. Specifically in America, terrorism is the problem that I worry about most. In my lifetime i have seen more cruel acts of terrorism than my parents have ever seen in their past fifty years. This can only make me think if we can not find a solution to this or any other problem now, what struggles are my own children going to face and what will it be like for them in 30 years. Honors College should help me see these bigger pictures and be able toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Honor486 Words  | 2 Pages It is better to die with honor than to live with shame It has been said, quot;I would rather die standing than live on my knees!quot; (Emiliano Zapata). All things are possible to a person who stands on the foundation of honor. The definition of honor is a high regard or respect; personal integrity; reputation; privilege (Webster’s Dictionary). The word honor comes from Latin Honos. Honor shapes lives everyday, and provides the glue that holds a family, community and country together. To haveRead MoreEssay about The honor code514 Words  | 3 Pages How will the honor code impact my academic and campus life? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout my years at Xavier and beyond I intend to follow the Xavier Honor Code so I can become a cooperative and responsible person. By being a student at Xavier I notice I will have to take responsibility of my actions and faults. In order for Xavier to trust me and to allow me to continue attending their school, I will have to follow their rules and be respectful. Not only should I do these things, butRead MoreMen of Honor1493 Words  | 6 PagesHowever, the one trait that is a necessity in anything you do is passion. Without it not only will you become bored with your work, but you will have less of a chance of becoming successful. One film that shows this passion and dedication is Men of Honor starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Robert Dinero. Although these men never engaged in any traditional business transactions, these men still do posses many key traits of a successful entrepreneur. Cuba played the role of an African-American man namedRead MoreThe Truth Behind Honor By Marguerite De Navarre1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe Truth Behind Honor Honor is a concept that has a great deal to do with entitlement and based on the actions or qualities of a person. There are three main types of honor that society recognizes; family, men, and women and in The Heptameron, Marguerite de Navarre portrays each of the three types of honor throughout her stories. However, there are often a number of complications that follow honor that lie with classified and understandably honorable deeds or traits, and who is it that determinesRead More Honor in Much Ado About Nothing Essay656 Words  | 3 Pages Throughout the history of the world, honor has been an important part of life. In literature, as well, honor plays an important role in many plots and the development of almost any character. Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing is no exception. In this comedy about love and marriage, honor is revealed as the primary reason for many of the actions taken by several different characters. When Claudio breaks off his wedding with H ero, he does it because he believes she is not chastised as sheRead MoreEssay about Eric Hoovers Honor for Honors Sake933 Words  | 4 PagesEric Hoovers Honor for Honors Sake The idea of being judged by your peers has long been accepted as the best way of regulating a population. Even the Constitution uses a peer based judicial system when laying down the framework for the United States government. There are, however, some limits to when and where this system can be effectively implemented. Eric Hoover challenges the use of peer review in universities by telling the testimonials of several students who have been hurt by aRead MoreMedal of Honor2773 Words  | 12 PagesThe Congressional Medal of Honour The Medal of Honour is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government. It is given to a member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States. Because of the nature of its criteria, the medal is often awarded posthumously. Members of all branches of the URead MoreMen of Honor Analysis2363 Words  | 10 PagesMen of Honor Analysis The film â€Å"Men of Honor†(Producer George Tillman Jr. , Director Robert Teitel) contains many examples which exemplify Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles of success. It was through his philosophy of success that Hill was able to achieve great success at whatever endeavor he pursued. He formulated this philosophy by interviewing many key figures of his day including Andrew Carnegie and Franklin Roosevelt. As a result, he developed an influential book which has inspired peopleRead MoreEssay on The Issue With Honor Killings1599 Words  | 7 Pagesthat the human race has to deal with and one of them is honor killings. This is an issue that has not been completely touched upon because it is not and an issue that everyone gets to see. The main idea is to understand what an honor killing is and what’s its status around the world but specifically to the country that is Pakistan. One main point that should be remembered is that it is all based off of tradition and not religion. A honor killing is a violent action towards a person that has broughtRead MoreThe Violence Of Hindu Honor Killings961 Words  | 4 PagesIn honor killings, most of the women are killed on the basis of an illicit relationship as specified by their partner or family. Sometimes the killings are carried out for ridiculously pathetic reasons such as failing to serve a meal on time can be seen as a stain on family honor and can lead to woman’s death. In modern time, where the world is revolving around technological advances and the independence of women and gender equality, honor killings have exceeded and are more rampant. While India
Monday, December 9, 2019
Bioscience Studied for Human Body
Question: Describe about the Bioscience for Studied for Human Body . Answer: Introduction: Effects of hot water bathing were well studied on the human body including heart rate. Hear rate is under the influence of numerous homoeostatic mechanisms. In the literature it has been mentioned that around 10 % sudden deaths occur due to the hot water bath and out of these deaths 10 % were due to cardiovascular problems. Physiologic and metabolic processes of human beings get affected by temperature changes. Acute and chronic changes in temperatures have significant effect on the physiological processes like heart rate. Due to hot water bath, there can be increased skin temperature. Due to this increase in the skin temperature sweating occurs and it results in the increased vasoconstriction and shivering. Very low frequency power (0.0039-0.04 Hz) raised in response to vasoconstriction and shivering. With the increase in the internal body temperature due to hot water, blood vessel dilates. As a result heart has to pump at faster rate to maintain adequate blood pressure allowing blood to cool down. Heart rate recovers to the normal state from its increased state upon removal from the hot water because there is the core hypothermia (Kamath and Adrian, 2016; Vrijkotte et al, 2000). Tabara et al., (2004) conducted study on eight elderly female and eight young women to study effect of hot immersion at 40C for 10 minutes. In this study they observed that high frequency (0.2 Hz) and low frequency (0.1 Hz) heart rate significantly increased from the baseline in both elderly and young women. They concluded that, variability in the heart rate is due to the alteration in the autonomic nervous system. Taheri et al., (2012) studied effect of warm water in 13 female students on heart rate. These female students walked through the warm water. They observed that, there is increased heart rate in these female students after walking through warm water. In these two studies, water temperature is little higher as compared to our planned experiment. In our study, hand and forearm are going to be immersed in the hot water, however in the above mentioned studies whole body was immersed and walking was performed in the hot water. As planned study is different in design from the mentioned studies, we are expecting new information from our planned study. The aim of the experiment is to study effect of hot immersion (37C) of both the hands on the heart rate. It is hypothesized that immersion of both the hands in warm water (37C) will increase in heart rate and. Material and methods: In this experiment 6 male healthy subjects were included in the study with age between 18-20. All the subjects reported to not have been on any type of medication in the last 6 months. These subjects didnt report any type of allergy. Materials used in this experiment were stopwatch (Clark), large bucket, Thermometer 0 to 100 C (Miller) and kettle. Heart rate (HR) was measured with an automatic digital sphygmomanometer (HEM-808F, OMRON Co, Tokyo, Japan). Subjects were relaxed for five minutes and after that heart were measured. Bucket was filled with warm water at 37C temperature and maintained this temperature throughout the experiment by adding hot or cool water. Subjects submerged their hands in the warm water up to their elbow. After 10 minutes heart rate was measured using automatic digital sphygmomanometer for all the subjects. Subjects kept their hands in water after measurement to take measurement at 20 and 30 minutes. For the obtained data, descriptive statistics in the form of mean and standard deviation was used. Also inferential statistics t test was used. Results: It was observed that heart rate after immersion of hand in warm water at 37C increased with increase in time of immersion as compared to the heart rate at the start of experiment (Table 1; Figure 1 Table 1: Time dependent effect of immersion in warm water on heart rate. Time (min.) Mean Heart Rates (beats/min) (S.D.) 0 89.2 12.2 10 110.4 15.6 20 124.8 14.6 30 140.6 16.2 Figure 1: Heart rate measurement of 6 subjects. Discussion: These findings were consistent with our hypothesis and the previous studies in which due to warm water there is the increase in the heart rate (Tabara et al., 2004; Taheri et al., 2012). Magnitude of increase in heart rate is similar to the previous studies because there is not much temperature difference. Heart rate variability observed across the subjects was consistent however, inter-subject variation has been observed. It has been observed that core temperature increase and highest increase in heart rate was observed during the later period of immersion. Taheri et al., (2012) studied effect of walking in warm water on heart rate. They found that heart rate was increased in stepwise manner from cold, mild and warm water. There was also decrease in the both systolic and diastolic blood pressure with increase in temperature. Blood pressure is more in cold water as compared to mild and warm water. This decrease in blood pressure is consistent with research conducted by (Allison Reger, 1998; Gabrielsen, Warberg et al., 2000; Nishimura Onodera, 2000). In this study they also studied recovery of heart rate in cold, mild and warm water. They found that recovery of heart rate was more in mild water as compared to the warm water. Tabara et al., (2004) hypothesized that imbalance of ANS due to hot water immersion can lead to disturbance in the hemodynamic process and alteration in the cardiovascular parameters. They studied age dependent effect of hot water immersion on heart rate and blood pressure. They found that systolic blood pressure was significantly altered in elder subjects, however this change was not significant in young subjects. Both high frequency (HF) (0.2 Hz)and low frequency (LF) (0.1 Hz) heart rate were significantly increased in elderly and young subjects. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the essential component of the thermoregulation homeostatic mechanism in the body. This ANS controls heart rate and blood pressure. Heart rate measurement has been emerged as the important method for the assessment of the ANS because it is safe, noninvasive, and relatively inexpensive. It has been shown that immersion in warm water produces effect on the ANS by decreasing the sympathetic activation and by increasing the vagal tone (Miwa et al., 1997; Nishimura Onodera, 2000, 2001; Perini Veicsteinas, 2003). Non pharmacological techniques like hot water immersion are useful in studying ANS which has wide applicability in in a range of physiological mechanism. In previous studies it has been well established that water immersion has effect on heart rate variability and it is related to alteration in the ANS in reducing sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity and increasing parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity (Mourot et al., 2008; Mourot e t al., 2007; Nagasawa et al., 2001; Nishimura Onodera, 2000, Nishimura Onodera, 2001). Thus, ANS has effects on the peripheral circulation, blood pressure and central nervous system. Blood flow increases with increase in temperature. It is believed that increased blood flow is due to the increased muscle flow because this warm water immersion is used as muscle relaxation therapy. This muscle blood flow is both under auto regulation and neurogenic regulation (Shankar and Randall, 2002). Hemodynamic and ANS changes in warm water immersion were studied in both elderly patients with heart disease and in normal people because these changes may lead to sudden death during bathing in elderly people. During immersion in the hot water, elderly patients cant maintain homeostasis because their ANS is not capable to respond dynamically to heat stress of hot water. In our experiment, we selected 37C temperature because temperature around 40C may not be tolerable by the subjects. Time of immersion also should be always more than 10 minutes because heart rate measurement generally requires steady state cycle for at least 5 minutes. In our experiment we followed the trend by keeping minimum immersion time of 10 minutes. One of the major limitations of the study was that less number of participants was involved in this study. To get more robust data, experiment with more number of participants required. In this young male were selected. In the next experiment, subjects with different age group and gender should be selected. It would be helpful to evaluate effect of hot water immersion on child, young people and adults. Also, it would be helpful to evaluate comparative effect of hot water immersion on male and female. References: Allison, T.G., Reger, W.E. (1998). Comparison of responses of men to immersion in circulating water at 40.0 and 41.5 degrees C. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 69(9), 845850. Gabrielsen, A., Warberg, J., Christensen, N.J., Bie, P., Stadeager, C., Pump, B., et al. (2000). Arterial pulse pressure and vasopressin release during graded water immersion in humans. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 278(6), R1583R1588. Kamath, M.V., Watanabe, M. (2016). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Signal Analysis: Clinical Applications. CRC Press. Taylor Francis Group. Miwa, C., Sugiyama, Y., Mano, T., Iwase, S., Matsukawa, T. (1997). Sympatho-vagal responses in humans to thermoneutral head-out water immersion. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 68(12), 11091114. Mourot, L., Bouhaddi, M., Gandelin, E., Cappelle, S., Dumoulin, G., Wolf, J.P., et al. (2008). Cardiovascular autonomic control during short-term thermoneutral and cool head-out immersion. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(1), 1420. Mourot, L., Bouhaddi, M., Gandelin, E., Cappelle, S., Nguyen, N.U., Wolf, J.P., et al. (2007). Conditions of autonomic reciprocal interplay versus autonomic co-activation: Effects on non-linear heart rate dynamics. Autonomic Neuroscience, 137(1), 2736. Nagasawa, Y., Komori, S., Sato, M., Tsuboi, Y., Umetani, K., Watanabe, Y., et al. (2001). Effects of hot bath immersion on autonomic activity and hemodynamics: Comparison of the elderly patient and the healthy young. Japanese Circulation Journal, 65(7), 587592. Nishimura, M., Onodera, S. (2000). Effects of supine floating on heart rate, blood pressure and cardiac autonomic nervous system activity. Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 7(2), 171172. Nishimura, M., Onodera, S. (2001). Effects of water temperature on cardiac autonomic nervous system modulation during supine floating. Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 8(1), 6566. Perini, R., Veicsteinas, A. (2003). Heart rate variability and autonomic activity at rest and during exercise in various physiological conditions. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 90(3-4), 317325. Shankar, K., Randall, K. (2002). Therapeutic Physical Modalities. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia. Tabara, Y., Kohara, K., Okuda, Y., Kondo, I., Suyama, K., Miki, T. (2004). Effects of hot water immersion on autonomic activity and hemodaynamics. American Journal of Hypertension, 17 (S1), 234A. Taheri, A., Habibi, A., Ghanbarzadeh, M., Ramezani, P. (2012). Changes in blood pressure, heart rate and perception of fatigue in Recovery to primary active state in water with three different temperatures, after an exhausting activity. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 3(7), 1485-1489. Vrijkotte TG, van Doornen L J, de Geus EJ. (2000). Effects of work stress on ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Hypertension, 35(4), 880-6.
Monday, December 2, 2019
What is art Persuasive Essay Example For Students
What is art? Persuasive Essay Art is an area of knowledge and also a means of communicating or expressing emotions. Art can be in any form, visual forms and intangible forms. Picasso has said,†Art is a lie that brings us nearer to the truth†. According to his perspective art is a lie because it is expressing one’s imagination and creativity. For example, if one pains a scenery of mountain out of his own imagination, then it will be a lie because such a mountain doesn’t exit’s but it brings the artist as well as the observers nearer to the truth that is the emotion underlying in the painting. Hence Art can be an area of knowledge because it shows the observers the knowledge of emotions via sense perception as a way of knowing. We will write a custom essay on What is art? Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now An artist adds to his painting what he feels, for example he may use dark colours if he is feeling gloomy and sad at the time. A spectator sees in the painting what he feels. For example, a painting of a dead insect will make someone sad while someone angry. It depends a lot on one’s perception and perspective. Something is art if it fulfills the 3 criteria’s- intentions of the artist, the quality of work and response of spectators. However according to me if something just expresses emotions, then it is an art. For example, a person singing a song to himself because he is sad may not intend to create an artistic piece however he may still convey his emotion. The person may be a bad singer and the audience may not understand his situation, still his song can be a piece of art because he is expressing his sad melancholy emotions through it. Hence according to me, anything is art if it conveys emotions or has emotions added to it. How does the context of a piece of art limit or enhance one’s understanding of something as art? Everyone has a difference perspective and different taste. Context of art may include what the art piece is about or the subject of art or what is implied from it or the kind of emotion which it reflects. Although anything which expresses emotion is termed as art but almost majority population judge something to be art depending on the type of emotion which it reflects. For example, there is a painting of a book and a painting of a tree. A person who hates studies may not consider the painting of book as an art because it may evoke hatred in his mind. This has happened because of the subject of the painting; Furthermore, if he likes nature, then he is likely to consider the painting of tree as a very good art. This has also happened because of the subject of art that is a tree which evokes sense of peace in his mind. Therefore, here the context of art has limited as well as enhanced one’s understanding of something as an art. It can be concluded that it depends on the observer entirely because it is what he sees in it. What is art Persuasive Essay Example For Students What is art? Persuasive Essay Art is an area of knowledge and also a means of communicating or expressing emotions. Art can be in any form, visual forms and intangible forms. Picasso has said,†Art is a lie that brings us nearer to the truth†. According to his perspective art is a lie because it is expressing one’s imagination and creativity. For example, if one pains a scenery of mountain out of his own imagination, then it will be a lie because such a mountain doesn’t exit’s but it brings the artist as well as the observers nearer to the truth that is the emotion underlying in the painting. Hence Art can be an area of knowledge because it shows the observers the knowledge of emotions via sense perception as a way of knowing. We will write a custom essay on What is art? Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now An artist adds to his painting what he feels, for example he may use dark colours if he is feeling gloomy and sad at the time. A spectator sees in the painting what he feels. For example, a painting of a dead insect will make someone sad while someone angry. It depends a lot on one’s perception and perspective. Something is art if it fulfills the 3 criteria’s- intentions of the artist, the quality of work and response of spectators. However according to me if something just expresses emotions, then it is an art. For example, a person singing a song to himself because he is sad may not intend to create an artistic piece however he may still convey his emotion. The person may be a bad singer and the audience may not understand his situation, still his song can be a piece of art because he is expressing his sad melancholy emotions through it. Hence according to me, anything is art if it conveys emotions or has emotions added to it. How does the context of a piece of art limit or enhance one’s understanding of something as art? Everyone has a difference perspective and different taste. Context of art may include what the art piece is about or the subject of art or what is implied from it or the kind of emotion which it reflects. Although anything which expresses emotion is termed as art but almost majority population judge something to be art depending on the type of emotion which it reflects. For example, there is a painting of a book and a painting of a tree. A person who hates studies may not consider the painting of book as an art because it may evoke hatred in his mind. This has happened because of the subject of the painting; Furthermore, if he likes nature, then he is likely to consider the painting of tree as a very good art. This has also happened because of the subject of art that is a tree which evokes sense of peace in his mind. Therefore, here the context of art has limited as well as enhanced one’s understanding of something as an art. It can be concluded that it depends on the observer entirely because it is what he sees in it.
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